Well, I’m finally back in Boulder. I didn’t sleep last night, and the night before, I think was about three hours of sleep while camping in the Berkshires in Western Mass. (Clarksburg.) Will try to have some photos up in the near future. Started to put them up, but firefox started crashing and being evil, so I’m booted into a different partition from where I have the photos now, so I can’t upload them right now. I now need to be out of my apartment by the fifteenth. I have a gig tonight, and I’m still not really prepared, but I did write some material this morning on a 6:00 am flight. It seemed funny at the time while sleep deprived and somewhat exhausted. Maybe everybody else will bomb, too, and I’ll still have a chance. Going to visit a potential new living place tomorrow. I’ll try to fit in writing a trip review tomorrow as well…
Should probably shave.